m. House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) |
House Sparrows I've decided, are the coyotes, of our terminal and concourse at the airport -- in that they are invasive as all get out, darn near impossible to abate, and almost equally as difficult to trap. Difficult but not impossible. And just like the coyote they oddly enough have just as many supporters as they have people who loath them, which I hear is particularly heated amongst those in the bluebirding community. (
As noted here by the North American Bluebird Society, Inc.) So as with any wildlife management endeavor this means that efforts are conducted with a degree of discretion.
Kind of a cute lil' bugger isn't he though... what can I say I once owned Spice and African Silverbill Finches. Man now I miss those noisy little guys. =( It's funny, to me anyways, because people will claim, "I'm a cat person" or "I'm a dog person" but I just pretty much like all of them. I'm an animal person how's that?
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