Monday, September 28, 2015

Three Amigos

So just what are these three juvenile European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) up to? Are they newest thing in non-destructive airframe inspection? Are they conducting a pre-flight inspection before they take her up, or just simply trying to figure out this mechanical contraption does what they do naturally? Well it actually something a little more basic than any of that. See if you can figure it out. I'll give you a hint these photos were taken in the morning not long after some light fog had burned off.

Focus in on what I just told you about the weather. It had been foggy.
Visible moisture had been present in the air. What happens to metal while sits out overnight in the open air? What does your own vehicle look like on foggy morning?

 Next, I want you to look a little closer at the surface of the stabilator -- that's the horizontal surface upon which the "inquisitive" bird is standing on. (I did tell you that I have pilot's license right?) You will notice that the stabilator is not perfectly smooth, it has grooves which run front to back. And now guess what these grooves have collected? 

Yup, that's right! Condensation has formed and has pooled enough in the grooves of the stabilators to provide a drink for our three thirsty starlings! If you look close enough you can actually see a droplet of water is this bird's beak. 

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