Monday, May 25, 2015

You're killin' me...

Maybe you know this one. Maybe you don't. But even if you do, have you ever actually seen it? Seen what you say. How a Killdeer protect its nest? Do you know what it does to protect its nest?
First of all do you see her on her nest?
Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) on nest

  • her back is to you
  • she's looking over her left while sitting on the nest
  • she's near the center of the frame

Alright, so now we're going to approach and get too close to see what she'll do.

 There it is! The famous broken-wing distraction technique. When a predator, or in this case me in my work truck, gets too close the Killdeer flies off the nest and begins its performance. It cries out making as much noise as it can and begins to flutter around as if its wings are broken. Of course it's all a ploy to get you follow it away from its nest and just when you get too close it flies away.

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