Nestling House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) |
They're too cute!!! I know right? That's why I couldn't just get rid of them. Sure as adults they out compete native songbirds; sure they're enemy number one in my airport's concourse where they poop on everything in sight and more; but look at them! Awe... Yeah I had a moment of "weakness" and as they are not protected by any list or law in the country, these four lil' tikes are now being "protected" and cared for by my family. My daughter has said that she wants to be "wildlife rescuer" when she grows up, so I'm giving her her first experience now. (She's already gone and named them: Peep, Flap, Crusty, and Clinton Jr. -- go figure!
There is a pretty good deal of information out there on the internet about what to do. One of the better sources that I have found is this:
Raising Baby Sparrows and Starlings
Now if you're contemplating doing this yourself please be advised that only House Sparrows, European Starlings, and Rock Pigeons are not covered by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. All other birds which are covered by the MBTA you would need a permit to rehab. So know your species.
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